How to make money online
There are many ways to make money online. Some are simple, effective and free to set-up but often success only comes as the result of you putting in the time and effort required to achieve success (at least in the beginning).
Simple, effective, free
Four money making methods: eCommerce/Dropshippin, Affiliate Marketing, Print-on-demand products and working as a Contractor on platforms like Fiverr.
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Many people have made serious money using a system called ‘dropshipping’ but don’t rush off and open a store just yet! There are many factors you need to consider before you start. Number 1 is training. If you Google ‘best dropshipping courses’ you will find many online course on offer. Many will charge a one-time fee of around $999 and will promise to teach you all the secrets you need to be successful. However, I have a much better solution for you – Oberlo offer a free course that will teach you all the basics and by end you will know IF you want to proceed.
When it comes to picking an eCommerce/dropshipping platform, the choice is easy!
Shopify provides everything you need to get started plus there's free trial period so you can try before you buy. Using Shopify will also save you heaps of time and will enable you to easily accept payments, take advantage of upsell/cross-sell/marketing apps, etc.
You also need to know that Dropshipping is problematic because delivery/shipping timeframes are usually slow and painful. This does not help in relation to customer satisfaction and has an impact on getting repeat-business. So if at all possible, try to choose suppliers that are near to your buyers or those that have reliable shipping options. Often dropshipping success relies upon getting your product to go viral as the more products you sell, the more money you make and it's all about quantity.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. In basic terms, affiliate marking involves selling other peoples products and services and getting a commission for your efforts.
You can learn a lot about Affiliate Marketing by watching various Youtube videos and experimenting but if you want to get a head-start, you should enrol in a course. One of the best course providers is Legendary Marketer and probably the best place to start is their 15-day Online business Builder challenge. It does cost $7-12 but is well worth the money and let's you 'try before you buy' any of their other courses.
Another fantastic place to start is Jonathan Montoya's 72-hour Challenge and if you're experienced then you should check out Funnel Freedom (spoiler alert: it's a real game changer that provides a platform with an auto-emailer, scripts, hosting and more).
Some things to consider: Affiliate Marketing can be VERY lucrative but can take time to set-up. Also commission payments are often only made 30 days after a sale (at least in the beginning). Another way to start is to identify a product you like and then do a Google search to see if the company that produces it have an affiliate program. If they do, you can apply for an affiliate link. Sometimes you have to have a website and/or YouTube channel before you can apply. Once you obtain an affiliate link, you can start promoting the product. For instance, you could produce a YouTube video explaining how it works with your affiliate link - if someone uses that link to buy a product, you get a commission! It can be that easy and it can be VERY lucrative because your video lives on and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.
Remember when applying for affiliate programs, check the commission percentage – with digital products is it often as high as 50% (yes 50%!) but an Amazon Affiliate generally gets only 3-10%.
Print-on-demand products
Selling print-on-demand products is another great way to make money online, especially if you have the right tools and skills to produce awesome designs for things like t-shirts, coffee mugs and stationery, which is actually super easy if you have tools like PlaceIT.
Visit Printify to see their range of products from t-shirts to mugs, hoodies to stationery and more.
You can create designs yourself using various tools including AI or PlaceIT or engage a contractor on Fiverr to make them for you.
There are many places you can then 'market' your products including social media, online stores and even platforms like Etsy.
Joining Fiverr as a contractor
Fiverr is an online marketplace for designers, web developers, videographers, writers, translators, etc, etc, etc. Have a look at the categories and your competition - what are they charging? Is there an opportunity to create a niche offering or examples of your work that will help you stand out?
Earning money as a contractor might be easier than you think For example, you can use AI to help write and edit online content. You could also consider all sorts of design work where you use a system like PlaceIT to produce company logos, t-shirt designs and more. Or you could market yourself as a video editor using a system like ScreenPal and/or Invideo.
There are many ways to make money on Fiverr, especially if you have the right tools for job.
We also recommend that you create more than one ad for your services - if you're a designer, create ads for graphic design, t-shirt design, company logos, etc. You should also look at your competition and try to find ways to help differentiate your 'offer' or find a niche that'll help you standout.
Please also note: some but not all of the links above are 'affiliate links', however we only promote products and services of the highest standards – products we use ourselves as Marketing Professionals.